Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BIBLE STUDY QUESTIONS: RELATIONSHIPS Lesson 1: The Foundations of Marriage

Lesson 1: The Foundations of Marriage

Hall Memorial CME Church
541 Seibles Road, Montgomery, AL
Rev. Anderson T. Graves II, pastor-teacher

Read Genesis 1: 26-31 and Genesis 2: 7-9, 15-25.

Take a moment and list any questions or concerns that you have about marriage. You may include items specific to your relationship, to issues in the lives of others you know, or things that come to mind out of the news or trends in general society.

Pre-study question: Define the following terms. Consider the social, legal, and spiritual aspects of each word:
a. Marriage
b. Husband
c. Wife

1. Genesis chapters 1 & 2 describe the creation of humanity. As is often the case, the masculine term “man” is used here. However, in Genesis 1: 27, the Bible explicitly refers to the creation of male and female. What does this indicate about God’s plan/ intentions?

2. To whom does the plural “them” refer in Genesis 1: 28?
To whom then, do the blessings of dominion apply?

3. Compare Genesis 2: 7 and Genesis 1: 26. How is “man” used differently in these verses?

4. Compare Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 2: 21, 22. Explain the difference between how God created the first male and how God created the first female?

5. Why wasn’t it good for Adam to be alone? Consider Genesis 1: 28. Also look at what Adam was doing (Genesis 2: 15, 20).

6. What was Eve’s purpose? Consider what God said to/about her in chapter 2 and in chapter 1.

7. Genesis 2: 18 is one of the most frequently misquoted verses in the Bible. It does not say that God would make a “helpmeet” nor does it say “helpmate.” What does it say? What does that mean?

8. It was always God’s intent to have both man and woman in dominion. So why didn’t He make them simultaneously? What did God give/ do with Adam before He gave Adam a wife?

9. What did God name the woman He had made? (Trick question!) Read Genesis 2: 23.

Adam and Eve are the prototype of men and women. They were created in a state of absolute perfection, placed in an absolutely perfect and sinless environment, and given unrestricted direct fellowship with God. Their relationship was literally a “match made in Heaven.” Consider now what their marriage teaches about all marriages.

10. (Consider your answer to question #1.) Just as God has a plan and destiny for each individual, if God has given 2 people to be married, He has a plan and destiny for them as a _______________.

11. How does the answer to question #2 affect the concept of “success” in a marriage?

12. Read 1 Peter 3: 7. What is necessary for a husband and wife to stand in God’s favor?

13. The answer to #4 shows a progression in the order of Creation. How is this progression lived out in a marriage? (Look at Ephesians 5: 23, 24.)

14. Considering the answer to #5, how is a husband supposed to achieve success?
How is a wife supposed to achieve success?

15. Based on the account in Genesis, what does God expect of a man before the man becomes a husband? Consider answers #5 & #8.

16. Looking at answer #6, what does God expect of a woman when she becomes a wife?

17. Why do women take their husband’s name when they get married? What does this signify in a spiritual sense?

18. Read Adam’s marriage vows in Genesis 2: 23, 24. How does this apply to marriage today?

19. Read Genesis 2: 25. How does this apply to marriage:
a. Emotionally

b. Financially

c. Sexually

20. Have your responses to the pre-study question changed? How? Go back to the question and make revisions as needed.

21. Have you discovered any answers to the questions you had at the beginning of the lesson. Share those answers.

22. Create a class list of all the unanswered questions you still have. We will search the scriptures and answer these as we continue with the next lessons.

HOMEWORK: Read Genesis chapter 3.

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