Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A WORD TO THE WISE: Proverbs 27: 15 "Can't Fix Crazy"

Proverbs 27: 15     A continual dripping on a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike;
16     Whoever restrains her restrains the wind, And grasps oil with his right hand.

Proverbs 27: 15. Before I started I high school we lived in the house that my great-grandfather built.  Now, if that statement conjured up the image of beautiful white antebellum place --- well haha.  This was a small wooden house on blocks, zero insulation and a simple tin roof.  Well-built in its time, this house’s time had long passed. 

When it rained the roof leaked.  We patched it and we tarred it, but the roof still leaked. (Sometimes the walls leaked too, but that’s another story.)  During one particularly long thunderstorm after we’d put down the 5th or 6th pot to catch water I asked Daddy, “When will the roof stop leaking?”
Daddy replied, “When it stops raining.”

The structure of the house with the wear it had endured over time meant that if there was rain then there would be water dripping---- period.  Period.

Some women are like that house.  They are built to drip drama.  Their mentality and the way life has affected them over the time before ya’ll even met is such that, if they are in a relationship there will be drama.  Period.


Men have a term to describe such ladies.  We call them “crazy.”

Even the most stable and compatible couple can have an occasional argument just like even the most expensive, modern, and expertly constructed building can spring a leak.

But if the sister’s crazy then no matter how much money you use to patch things up, no matter how loudly you yell back to make it stop, no matter how humbly you apologize to make it better, no matter what wise or unwise technique you use----- the reality is that you can’t make crazy stop being crazy.

Crazy will spend the bill money and expect you to still pay bills.  Crazy will call your mama and cuss her out when your mama hasn't said anything to or about either of you.  Crazy will get you fired or put out of school and then call you a punk for not trying to do anything with your life.  Crazy will shoot at you, tell the police you shot at her, and then come down to the police station crying to bail you out. 

She’s just built to drip drama and nothing you can do will stop the dripping.

The summer of my 9th grade year was the last time we had to worry about the roof our our house leaking ---- because the house burned down.

If you’ve married crazy or had a baby by crazy, may God work a miracle in your life.

If you haven’t  yet attached yourself for life to crazy----- burn that bridge and Get Out!

----- Anderson T. Graves II

Rev. Anderson T. Graves II is the pastor of Hall Memorial CME Church
Call/ fax: 334-288-0577
Email us at hallmemorialcme1@aol.com
Friend Pastor Graves at www.facebook.com/rev.a.t.graves

If you want to be a blessing to this ministry, contributions may be made by check or money order.

Mail all contributions to :
Hall Memorial CME Church
541 Seibles Rd.,
Montgomery, AL 36116 


  1. :-)
    The same is true for all those guys who are full of 'crazy,' too!

    GET OUT!!!!
