Friday, May 4, 2012

A WORD TO THE WISE: Proverbs 26: 15

Proverbs 26: 15     The lazy man buries his hand in the bowl; it wearies him to bring it back to his mouth.

Proverbs 26: 15.  When my children were infants, I spoon-fed them.  I’d stir the baby food to make sure the temperature was uniform throughout and pull the little baby spoon through the top layer of mush.  I’d wipe the bottom of the spoon on the lip of the jar and make faces at my baby so she’d/ he’d open wide.  Spoon in. Lift. Slide out. Catch drool. Repeat.

I did this because they were helpless infants.  When my grandfather, the original Anderson Graves, was sick from a series of strokes and unable to take care of himself,  I spoon-fed him, too.

Grandpa’s moved on, and my youngest is 9.   I don’t spoon-feed anymore. 

We’ve gotten home late from a game and my daughter’s been so tired & sleepy that when we sit down to eat, she’s too exhausted to lift her own fork.
I’ll say, “You must wanna sleep more than you wanna eat,” and I’ll let her leave the table and go to bed.

I love my kids, and I set food before them, but if they won’t lift the food to their faces, they don’t’ eat.

I love them, but I don’t spoon-feed them anymore.

The moment you’re in may be new and scary for you, but you’re not a baby anymore. Ask what you need to know.  Listen and learn what you need to do.  Seek the resource, acquire the skills, connect with the people who understand your situation.  But don’t sit around waiting for Jesus to personally ride in on a white horse and rescue you.  (When that happens it’ll be too late to deal with your stuff anyway.)

Your Heavenly Father places opportunities and resources before you, but the season of spoon-feeding is over.

You may be weary, worn, and sad.  You may be genuinely wounded by life.  You may just wanna sit down and do nothing.  I understand, but that means that you wanna sleep more than you wanna succeed.

Your hurt doesn’t make you helpless.  Get support.  Accept help.  Share your burden.  But, you have to do what you need to get done. 

Your Father in Heaven loves you.  He is with you, always there with you.  He  protects you.  He empowers you.  He guides you.  He provides for you. 

But you’re grown now.  Nobody, not even Jesus is gonna spoon-feed you anymore.
----- Anderson T. Graves II

Rev. Anderson T. Graves II is the pastor of Hall Memorial CME Church
Call/ fax: 334-288-0577
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Friend Pastor Graves at

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Mail all contributions to :
Hall Memorial CME Church
541 Seibles Rd.,
Montgomery, AL 36116

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