Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A WORD TO THE WISE: Proverbs 26: 17

Proverbs 26: 17     He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.

Proverbs 26:17.  My boss was out a couple of days because he got bitten by a dog--- his own dog.

He blames himself.

The dog had been rescued from a shelter.  She  came into his home with a fear of machines that make loud noises---- machines like the leaf-blower he turned on in the yard without having first put the dog in her pen.

He cranked up the leaf-blower and the dog attacked it.  When he snatched the leaf blower away and raised it up out of her reach the agitated pit bull perceived his posture as a threat and bit him.

Blame the dog or blame the owner --- he still got bitten.

When two parties in conflict invite or accept your help in resolving their disagreement you can perform an important Christian service.  “Blessed are the peacemakers….” (Matthew 5:9)


If you insert yourself into an argument that doesn’t involve you, and you don’t get permission from BOTH parties to stand between them, then you are waving a leaf-blower between 2 angry pit bulls.  It’s quite likely that someone’s going to hurt you ---- hurt your feelings, attack your character, and /or cause you literal, physical harm.

Blame yourself or blame them for not recognizing that you were only trying to help.  You still get bitten.

There may be times when the urgency of the situation or the imminent possibility of harm compels you to get involved. 
You gotta do what you gotta do.

Just understand up front that the principle of Proverbs 26:17 still applies.  Even when you really just wanna help, you’re still grabbing the dog by the ears.

Know the risk.  Pray.  Choose wisely.

----- Anderson T. Graves II

Rev. Anderson T. Graves II is the pastor of Hall Memorial CME Church
Call/ fax: 334-288-0577
Email us at
Friend Pastor Graves at

If you want to be a blessing to this ministry, contributions may be made by check or money order made out to: Hall Memorial CME Church

Mail all contributions to :
Hall Memorial CME Church
541 Seibles Rd.,
Montgomery, AL 36116

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