Friday, December 28, 2012

A WORD TO THE WISE: Proverbs 29: 12

Proverbs 29: 12     If a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants become wicked.

Proverbs 29: 12.  You are going to get lied to.  And, if you are in any position of leadership, influence, or perceived influence, you are going to get lied to ------- a lot.

Sometimes, while the liar is lying to you, everyone else will know that the liar is lying----- but they won’t tell you.  They’ll  wait to see how you respond. 

If you discern the lie and act on the truth---- you can develop a culture in which honesty is the preferred policy.  If you act on the lie, you’ll create an atmosphere in which lies are rewarded and (consequently) honest people are unwelcome.

But if you think about it, when leaders act on a lie it isn’t usually because the leaders were tricked, but it’s because the leaders were scared.   Afraid to question the story.  Afraid of checking the facts and facing their own assumptions/ insecurities.    Scared of hearing more than one side of the story because the other sides might reveal inconvenient truths.  Most of the time leaders accept lies at face value it’s because the leaders are afraid that by checking into the story they  heard, they’ll look uncertain, out of control, or weak.  That’s pride.  That’s fear.

Pride and fear make leaders susceptible to lies.   Leaders who function from pride and fear have subordinates who function through pride and fear.  Thus, corruption.

The only people who are afraid of looking like they aren’t in control are people who aren’t in control.  The only time someone’s scared that asking a necessary question will make them look stupid is when they’ve been too stupid to ask the question when it first became necessary.  If you are a leader who can’t handle the truth about your organization then the truth is---- you can’t handle leading that organization.

People are waiting to see how you handle liars because that’s how they’ll decide whether or not to be liars. No, it shouldn’t be that way, but that’s the way it is.

But truthfully, even at your best sometimes you will be deceived.  Sometimes, you will get tricked. So here’s what you do to immunize yourself against the effects of deception:  Always, no matter what you hear, no matter what you think the facts are---do right and do right by people.


Maybe So-and-so is out to get your job.  Maybe not.   Treat So-and-so fairly regardless.  Don’t withhold rewards when due.  Don’t look the other way when reprimand or correction is proper.

Maybe Such-and-such doesn’t like you.  Maybe he/she does.  Treat Such-and-such right regardless.  Listen to Such-and-such as attentively as you listen to any of the others.  Weigh the merits of the ideas not what you think you might know about Such-and-such’s feelings.

Humble yourself  and you take care of pride.

Seek the truth even when it makes you uncomfortable and you nullify fear.  Consistently do right and consistently do right by folks and you cancel any benefits the liar hopes to gain.

That’s how you keep from lies from controlling you and your team.

Or, don’t.

Just keep on believing the first thing you hear.  Just keep on shrinking your circle to a small crew of people who know just how to tickle your ears.  Just keep on believing whatever lies let you stay out of situations in which you feel uncomfortable or less powerful.  Keep on and one day you’ll look up to find that all the honest folks have left you and you’re surrounded by a pack of liars.

Just imagine how much safer you’ll be surrounded by a pack of liars?
---Anderson T. Graves II

Rev. Anderson T. Graves II is the pastor of Hall Memorial CME Church
Call/ fax: 334-288-0577
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Mail all contributions to :
Hall Memorial CME Church
541 Seibles Road
Montgomery, AL 36116

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