Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A WORD TO THE WISE. Proverbs 29: 25. "Trapped by Fear"

Proverbs 29: 25     The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.

Proverbs 29: 25.  Frightened people run to get away from danger.  In a moment of panic, people lash out to protect themselves from harm.  The fear response or, more accurately the FEAR-REACTION, is supposed to keep us safe.  And, in basic things, it usually works. 

Snatching your hand back from a hot stove, leaping out the way of a car,  instinctively knocking away a pencil flicked toward your eyes, or screaming and fighting when grabbed from behind on the street----- these fear reactions can save you from harm/ keep you safe.

But when you move beyond primal danger to the relational, financial, professional, and the spiritual----that fear-reaction ceases to be a defense against danger; it becomes a dangerous trap.

For centuries, the Plains Indians of America successfully hunted buffalo, animals that were much larger, stronger, and more numerous than they.  And the Native Americans did this before they had guns.  They overcame the natural advantages of their prey by manipulating its fear. 

They’d scare the lead buffalo, and the fearful leaders would run.  The followers would----- follow, and fear would spread through the herd.   The hunters could steer the buffalo off a cliff or into a sealed canyon, or just shoot arrow after arrow until the buffalo dropped.  The hunters didn’t have a net or rope strong enough to hold the massive beasts.  They snared them with fear.

If you live your life in constant fear of Black people, White people, Muslims, poor folks, the government, the gangs, gays, the Tea Party, your spouse, your father even though he’s been dead for ten years, those boys with their pants sagging, those men with the white hoods folded neatly in their memory chests, or any other individual or demographic of mankind--------- you are trapped.

Your persistent fear of “them” enables them to make you run whenever they want you to run.  Your fear makes you subject to stampede economically into hoarding or frivolous spending (which if you really think about it--- are the same thing).  Fearing them makes you susceptible to panicked voting, reflexive hatred, and mindless flight over whatever cliff your fear-blinded leaders are hurtling toward. 

Fear of man will immobilize you, curl you up in a fetal position, pull your knees into your chest, and rock you back and forth while “they” take whatever they want.

Fear of man will make you lash out like an animal and strike down whatever’s in front of you because it/she/he looked at you wrong, wore the wrong colors, or “looked suspicious” in your neighborhood.

A healthy fear of physical peril can keep you physically alive, but the fear of man is a trap that you must escape.  If you don’t get out of that trap, you’ll die.  Relationally, financially, professionally, and spiritually fear of “them” will kill you----- inside.

Let God spring you from the trap. 

but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.  (1 Corithians 10: 13)

Trust in the Lord.   Give your fears to Him.   Stop choosing your direction based on what “they” do, but let God direct your path (Proverbs 3: 5, 6). 

Let the Word of God enlighten your eyes and cast out your blind fear of “them” (Psalm 119: 105)

Instead of following the herd over the cliff, let the Holy Spirit guide you (Romans 8: 14, 15).

Instead of reacting to your fear of “them,” respond to the love of Jesus.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14: 27)

---Anderson T. Graves II   is a writer, community organizer and consultant for education, ministry, and rural leadership development.

Rev. Anderson T. Graves II is pastor of Hall Memorial CME Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
Call  334-288-0577
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